January 18, 2006

Complete Circle Casting

When you work magick, you go "between the worlds" so your magick filters out to all the worlds, eventually manifesting on the physical plane.
Within a sacred Circle, you can go forwards and backwards in time. You can send energy back to yourself in a previous situation to help healing; or you can send it forward to a space-time that you know is likely to be challenging.
Magick depends a great deal upon altered consciousness - in fact, one of the definitions of magick is "the art and science of changing consciousness at will". When you cast circle, it signals to your deep mind that you are about to go into "altered" space-time. After a while, each step of casting circle becomes like a ballet, signaling to your deep mind that a change in consciousness is taking place.
All over Europe, there are stones called "Omphalos" (navel) stones which symbolize the navel of Mother Earth. When we cast circle, we become the "center" of the universe, a kind of Omphalos of/for Goddess, a "pivot" point, from which the Sacred Circle spreads out in all directions.
The circle becomes:
  1. A "container" to hold, control, and raise energies (to boil water, you've got to put it into a pot)
  2. A "signal to the deep mind" that a change in consciousness is about to occur
In good ritual, one lets down the normal psychic ego boundaries that hold our ego - and individuality - safely intact. We can safely "merge" with the Numinous, the Divine, and experience that realm directly, immanently, without fear of losing ourselves permanently.
A well-cast circle becomes a safe, protected, energized & controlled space in which to affect that "altered" consciousness – to "touch" the "Dynamic Ground of all Being" - the Numinous -- safely, and return enriched by the experience, rather psychically blasted, frightened, confused or otherwise troubled by that powerful experience.
A well-cast circle becomes a specially-charged, energized, purified, protective area of space-time. (Rather than a "circle," it's actually more like a "bubble") Once in the Circle, everyone should move in a clockwise, "deosil" manner, to keep the energies flowing properly.
There are many different ways to actually cast the circle, depending upon tradition, the particular work that the circle will do, and personal preference.
You may "mark out" the circle before the Ritual begins, with herbs, flowers, small fruits or vegetables, colored yarn, or whatever else is appropriate to the theme and purpose of the Circle.
To cast, you literally "sketch" out a circle around your working area (the traditional space for a coven or working group is about 6-9 feet in diameter, an individual will need less space), by tracing your athame, sword, finger, or whatever (I’ve also used, variously, a flower, a shaft of wheat, a magickal staff, a Hawaiian ceremonial cane cutter, and several other items, depending upon the "theme" of the ritual). While tracing the Circle (again, remember that it is actually a sphere all around you, like a bubble) you visualize/imagine with all your senses, an electric blue energy shooting from above and below into you, down your arm, into the tool you're using to cast, and out, to flare up and create a protective blue light all around the circle.
You may also memorize a brief poem to say while casting the circle (this is especially helpful if there are others participating in the circle, it tells them what is going on):
"I conjure thee, o Magick circle,
to be a shield and protection,
between the world of men,
and the Realms of the Mighty Ones;
a meeting place of love and joy and Truth;
a container to hold the energies
that we shall raise within Thee:
Wherefore I do bless thee and consecrate thee
in the Name of the God and Goddess (or your Patron Deities)."
You may light quarter candles (when the Quarters are "called"/ evoked) at each of the quarters (either inside or outside the circle, whichever works best in the space you have - this is especially effective if the circle is occurring at night).
(It’s spelled with an "a" to differentiate it from "alter" meaning to change)
The permanent altar that is always up is called a "Shrine"; an altar is technically that which is only built for a specific ritual or circle. Most rituals will have the altar in the Center, North, or East quarters. The rationale for this (besides convenience) is that the North is the direction of Mystery (the sun never shines there) and the East is the direction of new beginnings. I have also done very large, formal rituals (for groups of 50 up to 500+) that have had an altar at each of the Quarters, which helps large groups experience an altar nearby.
ALWAYS remember to formally ground following any ritual or magickal work, and to formally "open" or "release" the Circle when the ritual is finished; as ungrounded, excess energy can degenerate into nervous tension, which can cause headaches, sleeplessness, or other problems. Release the Quarters formally (you can say something like, "We thankyou for being in our circle and lending us the energy of ; go if you must, stay if you will, Hail and Farewell" or whatever you wish.)
Thank the Lord and Lady (or whatever Deities you've evoked), and formally "open" or release the Circle (you can say something like, "The Circle is open, but unbroken, may the Peace of the Goddess go in our hearts" or whatever).

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